Hello! I’m Brianna McCabe (formerly Brianna Van Dyke).

I’m a seeker-poet-coach-editor, and I’m both deeply serious and deeply playful (just a big ol’ paradox I guess, like all of us!)

I’ve always been searching for teachers and guides who can help with all my seeking…aka “can anyone tell me what all of this means????” And better yet if someone has a detailed map! Ha.

Which is why I’m a graduate of the Martha Beck Wayfinder Life Coach Training Program and The Center for Action and Contemplation’s Living School founded by Richard Rohr.

Stories and poems have been my guides as well. I have a master’s degree in English literature, and I dreamed up the award-winning literary magazine Ruminate, where I was editor-in-chief for thirteen years.

Now I’m here combining my loves and everything I’ve learned into coaching and editing. I co-create with my clients the very things I’ve always been seeking—more meaning and more joy and trust in this world.


Me too. :) That’s why I do this work,

Oh, and I love sharing poems here and in my letters via email. Below is a favorite.

God and I have become like two giant
fat people living in a tiny boat.

We keep bumping into each other and

—Daniel Ladinsky

And I’m so grateful for my teachers, both living and dead:
Martha Beck
Cynthia Bourgeault
Meinrad Craighead
Laurie D.
Annie Dillard
Clarissa Pinkola Estés
James Finley
Elizabeth Gilbert
G.I. Gurdjieff
Joy Harjo
Fanny Howe
Tony Hoagland
Deborah Levy
Pia Mellody
Richard Rohr
Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi
Alice Walker

If you wanna chat, send me a note or sign up for my letters via email!